
Student shooting a bow and foam arrows at the Inauguration block party

1 -学生活动

When you would like to plan a CSC affiliated event, fill out the following form 一个月前 事件:


Any event proposal submitted less than 10 days prior 参加活动 will not be approved. If your program conflicts with a previously scheduled event, you will be asked to change the time and/or date. RLA events are due by the 15th day of each month.


If you require funds from the CSC 学生参议院, fill out the 学生参议院 Fund Request form 一个月前 参加活动. If you are requesting funds related to travel, fill out the Senate Fund Request form 十周前 当你需要资金分配时:


If your event raises awareness for or promotes Diversity, 股本, 与包容(DEI), you can request funding from the DEI Committee of Chadron State College. The fund request can be found by clicking 在这里. The committee meets monthly, so please submit your request 1-2 months in advance.


All fundraising and donations are subject to approval from The Chadron State 基金会. The 学生活动 Coordinator will contact you directly if your fundraiser has been denied by the 基金会. If you would like to create a fundraiser for your student organization, 请填写以下表格:

学生组织. 融资形式

Concessions is a pre-approved fundraiser. Anyone is welcome to volunteer on behalf of their 学生组织anization to raise funds. Please note, cash is used as payment for concessions, so your student organization must have an off-campus bank account. 请在下面的表格上注册. You will be contacted by dining services with more information.



If you need a contract for your event, the Event Proposal form must be submitted a minimum of 一个月前 参加活动 to fully execute the contract. 根据NSCS董事会政策6401, a contract is necessary whenever a legal relationship is established consisting of rights and duties that go beyond the sale transaction details. Common examples include but aren't limited to speakers or performers that are paid to perform their services for CSC. 点击这里查看董事会策略6401.

2 -会议

Once your event has been approved by 学生活动 or RLA (for RLA events), work with the Conferencing office to reserve rooms and/or order catering. For information on available rooms and their price or size, refer to 会议室信息 在“会议”页面. Use of any CSC Facility must abide by the 设施使用手册.

之前 to meeting with Conferencing, print and complete the following room reservation request:

Conferencing Room Reservation Request

To order catering, refer to the 餐饮指南 for academic year linked below:


必须下餐饮订单 提前14天. 逾期订单将按a 10%滞纳金. 在第一个后期订单请求, Conferencing will have a discussion with the individual or organization about the importance of their 2 week deadline. A second late order request will result in a verbal warning. If three or more Catering order requests are late, Conferencing will deny the order.

3 -批准,广告 & 购买

When your event has been approved by 学生活动 or RLA and the Conferencing Office, you may advertise your event using the following form:


Please note when creating a digital flyer, the Student Center TVs are horizontal and use 1920x1080 pixels or a 16x9 image ratio. Any use of CSC logos must abide by College Relations standards which can be found on the CSC身份标准指南页面. Keep in mind, RLA advertisements must include the date, location, time, and RLA logo.


If you need to make purchases for your event, please contact the 学生活动 Coordinator (or Kylie Kempf for RLA events) to plan. Approval and purchase of items may depend on vendor and NSCS spending regulations. 购买 cannot be made on certain items as outlined by NSCS Board 政策. Click 在这里 for Section 4 of NSCS Board Policy 3300.


The 学生活动 Coordinator will make a Walmart run at 2pm every Thursday during the academic year. Please bring your items to the cashier checkout area at 2pm to make your purchases with student organization funds. For RLA, Kylie Kempf will make Walmart runs at 3:30pm every Tuesday during the academic year.

4 .你的活动

Please print and complete the Attendance Sheet and, if giving away prizes, the Prize Sheet. 他们需要提交 一周内 你的活动 via the Event Evaluation form. These documents can be found below:



Please arrive early to your event to ensure all is in order and ready to proceed. When your event is complete, clean the space and leave it as you have found it.

5 -评估

Fill out the Event Evaluation form below w在这里 you can submit attendance and prize sheets (if applicable). 这张表格要交 一周内 你的活动.


喜事策划! If you have any questions, reach out the the 学生活动 Coordinator, Elise Gamble, at egamble@mokmingsky.com or 308-432-6057. For RLA questions, reach out to Kylie Kempf at kkempf@mokmingsky.com or 308-432-7015.